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Viernes, 11 de febrero de 2005
Hard to Find! Vol. 1, una compilación del Underground Funk americano de los 60 y los 70

Grupo: VV.AA.
Título Lp: ‘Hard to find vol. 1’ - 60's & 70's Underground Funk Compilation
Sello discográfico: Funkorama Records
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UNK-O-RAMA RECORDS compiles in this first volume of "Hard to Find" a series of songs (all of these coming from 45s searched by DJs and collectors for years) that draw a possible horizon of the American Underground Funk between 1968 (Seven Souls) and 1975 (Jade). This first compilation of FUNK-O-RAMA records (selected by Carlo Coupé) checks out the old school funk and its different mixtures with soul (Soul Partners, The Deacons...), gospel (The Brothers & Sisters), JBs style (Soul Tornadoes, Maskman, Wee Willie...), blaxploitation (Caprell’s) and modern soul (Jade). This period of funk’s peak and decline coincides with the last splendour (The Deacons, Big Barney, Creative Funk...) & the agony (High Voltage) of the Hammond organ, an instrument that went out of fashion in the mid Seventies until its rebirth at the end of the Eighties.

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Lista de canciones:
01–CREATIVE FUNK "Moving World" (click to listen)
02–KING SOLOMON "The Moon Walk"
03–SOUL TORNADOES "Go For Yourself" (click to listen)
04–THE SEVEN SOULS "Groove in" (click to listen)
05–THE DEACONS "Sock It To Me", Vocal Version Part II
06–WEE WILLIE & THE WINNERS "Get Some" (click to listen)
07–BIG BARNEY "The Whole Thang" Vocal Version (click to listen)
08–ENNY SHARP & THE SHARPIES "Music (I Like It)", Part I
09–HIGH VOLTAGE "Here Come’s The Streaker" (click to listen)
10–SOUL PARTNERS "Spead" (click to listen)
11–JADE "Music Slave" (click to listen)
12–BLACK HAZE EXPRESS "Won’t Nobody Listen"
13–CAPRELL’S "Every Day People" (click to listen)
14–MASKMAN & THE AGENTS "Stand Up", Part II
15–JERRY WASHINGTON "Baby, Don’t Leave Me"
16–THE BROTHERS & SISTERS "Nobody is gonna turn us ‘round", Part I

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© Semanario EL OJO CRÍTICO. El semanario EL OJO CRÍTICO se edita en Mancha Real (España, UE). C/ Callejuelas Altas, 34. 23100 JAÉN. Teléfono: (34) 953 350
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